Three Years of Ecograder Stats on Internet Sustainability

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Ecograder icons on top of a photographic illustration showing the clash of nature and technology
For three years, our free web sustainability tool Ecograder has crawled URLs and ranked them on performance, usability, findability, and use of renewable energy. We have compiled and assessed all the data Ecograder collected during that time. Check out the infographic below for some helpful information on the state of a more planet-friendly internet. Read More ›

Why Sharing Code is Benevolent and Sustainable

Posted by in Business Strategy, Software Development, Sustainability, Web Development tagged with

Shared libraries offer quick access to solutions for common development problems. Incorporating shared libraries vetted by the developer community makes your entire codebase easier for other developers to understand and, ultimately, more sustainable. Why do the developers at Mightybyes use shared libraries whenever we can? It might have something to do with our dedication to sustainable web design. Read More ›