Digital Marketing Masterclass Presentations

Download these presentation decks from Mightybytes’ Digital Marketing Masterclass, a sold-out half-day workshop on digital marketing best practices.
Digital Marketing Masterclass
We started the day with a digital marketing masterclass, where Mightybytes team members combined their strengths and expertise to deliver four in-depth sessions on various aspects of digital marketing to a packed audience. PDFs of our presentations are below for download.
Aligning Digital Marketing Channels
First up was Veronica Bagnole, who spoke about aligning digital channels to create a successful digital strategy. The presentation was filled with information about how to conduct a digital audit, choose the right channels to use, plan and schedule a strategy, and measure results.
Advanced SEO Techniques
The second presentation covered advanced SEO techniques, and was given by our very own Ethan Spotts and Joey Weber. They introduced people to more modern SEO considerations, like local search, page speed, and other technical issues.
UX Design and Conversion Rate Optimization (CRO)
Emily Anderson was the third to present and discussed Advanced UX and CRO techniques. From different types of user testing to web design and accessibility, she explained how and why proper UX is so important to convert visitors.
Website and Content Governance
The masterclass finished off with Tim Frick’s presentation on content governance based on his post 12 Website Governance Tips for Better Content Marketing. His 12 tips provided our audience with actionable ways to improve content and better manage internal teams and resources over time.
Thanks For Sharing With Us
For more digital marketing wisdom, check out our blog’s digital marketing archives. If you’d like us to run a version of this masterclass for your company, please contact us.