Mightybytes Launches Ecograder

Mightybytes announces the launch of a web-based app, Ecograder, which will make it easy for website owners to test their sites’ sustainability and reduce their carbon footprint. The app was created in response to a common misconception that the web is a green medium, when in fact that isn’t true. 50 million computer servers, which need to be powered 24 hours a day, contribute nearly 5% of global greenhouse emissions. Ecograder is set to launch on Earth Day, April 22nd.
Ecograder will assess websites in areas such as website performance, findability, design and user experience and the use of “green” ingredients such as web hosting. In addition to displaying a score for a website, the app will also produce a report that includes customized suggestions for making the site in question more eco-friendly.
Mightybytes was inspired to create Ecograder after becoming a B Corporation, which are companies that have been certified as beneficial to society and the environment because of their focus on the triple bottom line: people, planet and prosperity.
To sign up for updates about Ecograder and be the first to know when the app launches, visit Ecograder.com. For media requests and a press release, visit our press page.
Digital Carbon Ratings, now in Ecograder.
Understand how your website stacks up against industry carbon averages with this new feature.
Try Ecograder