Product Roadmapping

Product roadmapping helps key stakeholders reach consensus on vision and strategy for your digital product.

Product Roadmapping

Your product roadmap is the prototype for your strategy.

— Product Roadmaps Relaunched, O’Reilly Media

Trying to plan out a website or other digital product? Product roadmapping aligns your core business goals with user needs, feature ideas, and most importantly, desired outcomes to create a working blueprint for long-term product success.

Many digital products fall prey to endless documentation cycles and and detailed specifications that are either never referenced or so dense that they undermine your chances to achieve desired outcomes.

Your website might be your organization’s most important digital product. Or maybe it’s a new hiring platform or donation system. Perhaps it’s a smartphone app. Regardless, great products require a shared vision for success as well as a clear path to achieve it.

What’s included?

If you hire Mightybytes for this engagement, here is what you can expect:

  • Kickoff call & onboarding survey to identify stakeholders and collect existing documentation on your brand, competitors, pain points, and so on
  • Pre-workshop research & analysis based on survey data to prepare for a three-part workshop
  • Discovery workshops to assess product goals, user needs, personas, journey maps, content strategy, information architecture, feature brainstorming, task prioritization, and so on
  • Product roadmap with product recommendations, a general scope of work, target budget range, timelines, key milestones, and so on.

Start to finish, this process typically takes 4-6 weeks. The collaboration results in consensus on our shared vision and project parameters that can evolve as we learn new things. This results in a better product and mutual success.

Also, because so much is accomplished in a short period of time, product roadmapping serves as a cost-saving, efficient way to make progress quickly toward your business goals.

Want to learn more about how product roadmapping can chart you on a path to continued success? Drop us a line and we’ll get back to you.

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